Esta semana, el día 26 de agosto Ballloom Records, uno de los sellos más de moda hoy día de música nujazz, fusion, house, etc… ha publicado mi cancion You Are Not que en su momento grabé con la gran Lía Ramos, cantante de Gijón con un gran estilo en su voz. Pronto saldrán algunos remixes realizados por el sello y por el gran Q Narongwate.
Muy orgulloso de que nuestro tema se haya publicado por este sello.
Ballloom Records, one of the most fashionable labels today in nujazz music, fusion, house, etc … has published my song You Are Not that I recorded at the time with the great Lía Ramos, a singer from Gijón with a great style in his voice. Some remixes by the label and the great Q Narongwate will be out soon.
Very proud that our track was published by this label.
This is the review that the record label published
Alex Fanjul s the new comer spanish Jazz, Neo Soul, Funk & House music guitarist, songwriter & producer. Over the years of producing the music with his talented skill, his track is so amazing. Ballloom records feel really appreciate to have Alex Faneuil and his latest Single…! Get ready for his first release under Ballloom records! Don’t miss out!!!
#soul #soulful #housemusic #deephouse #funk #jazz #disco #nujazz #nudisco #ballloomrecords
Available Now..! Alex Fanjul ft. Lia Marcos – You Are Not on Traxsource Exclusive Promo..!
This is the link to Traxsource to purchase the song